Technology changes fast and one way to see just that is with family photographs. We’ve come a long way since the days of 100 pound cameras to mobile phones we keep in our pockets to document frankly, everything including even our coffee and cocktails, babies and puppies and even our own faces on a regular basis. Family photographs have evolved just as steadily as the technology we have at the time
I am an avid photograph taker and not just because it is my (other) career. I have my whole life documented thanks to my mother who gave me a camera early in life. I’ve had the pleasure to inherit many an image from my family over the years. Sometimes an actual print and sometimes just a scan of varying size. Sometimes the scans are great and easy to work with and sometimes disappointingly small and very hard to work with to get detail. But, you still have a family photograph with your ancestor’s face and for me, it is just pure joy.
In addition to genealogy research services, I provide organizing, scanning, cataloguing and retouching services as well. You may have questions about a particular image regarding dates or locations. I’d be happy to assist so please feel free to contact me. Also, keep in mind, I’m happy to photograph your family as well and add to your family history. You can see more on the Photography Services page.
Just a few samples…
The images on this page are a small sampling of a variety of random photographs that I have obtained from my family. Some were scanned in a high file size and some a low file size. Some were professionally scanned and some scanned by me. My desire in retouching is to correct the imperfections, bring out the details, keep the image information like the edge of negative or the print marks you’ll find on a square photograph taken in the 1960s. Every detail can provide us information we can add to our tree.

Images may not be used in any way and belong to Picture the Past Genealogy.